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Proud sponsor of the Guernsey Private Wealth Forum

We are excited to be a headline sponsor at the 2023 WE ARE GUERNSEY Private Wealth Forum, taking place in London on Thursday 2nd November. The event will be focussed on the theme of 'Changing Families in a Changing World.'

Guernsey Horse of the Year Show: A Thrilling Equestrian Extravaganza

The Guernsey Horse of the Year Show, a prestigious equestrian event, has been a cherished tradition on the island since 1967. This five-day spectacle draws competitors not only from Guernsey, but also from neighbouring Jersey and the UK.

Congratulations, Julie!

This month we celebrate a exceptional employee anniversary - please join us in congratulating Julie Pagnier on an impressive 40 years of service with Moore Stephens.

Judy Wright's Triumph On Mount Toubkal

Have you ever wondered what it feels like to climb the highest peak in North Africa? Judy Wright, our dedicated colleague at Moore Stephens, took on that very adventure and came out victorious.

Social ambition and Giant Tortoises

We are proud to announce our partnership with Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust in becoming a corporate sponsor for their 2023 Tortoise Takeover campaign.

Congratulations, Anova and Charlotte!

Please join us in congratulating two Moore Stephens staff members on their recent promotions in the Jersey offices: Anova and Charlotte.

Welcome, Rudi Howard

We are pleased to announce the appointment of Rudi Howard, our new Manager joining our Private Client Services department in Jersey.

Congratulations Kirsty!

We would like to congratulate Kirsty Rayner on her recent promotion from Senior Manager, Private Client Services, to Associate Director. 

Congratulations, Charlotte!

We're proud of our Jersey team member, Charlotte Black, who decided to set herself running challenges over the next 6 months - starting with a 6km through the lanes of Trinity in the hope to complete a half marathon in March 2023. 

Rotary Guernesiais shoebox appeal

It's that time of year where Rotary Guernesiais appeal for Christmas shoeboxes for less fortunate children in Eastern Europe and including Ukraine. Moores Stephens team members, Lucy and Elodie, took delight in shopping for gifts to fill a few shoeboxes for this very worthwhile cause.